Pepperoni Swirl Rolls
Prep Time: 15 min.
Bake Time: 15-20 min.
Servings: 12
Difficulty: Beginning
Pizza flavored swirl rolls, so simple to make and a fun twist for pizza night!
12 Rhodes Dinner Rolls or 1 loaf Rhodes White Bread Dough, dough thawed to room temperature
3 tablespoons pizza sauce
1 teaspoon oregano
1 1/2 tablespoons fresh basil
4 ounces pepperoni
1 cup grated mozzarella cheese
Parmesan cheese
Spray counter lightly with non-stick cooking spray. Roll combined rolls or loaf into 12×16-inch rectangle.
Spread sauce evenly over dough and sprinkle with oregano and basil. Top with pepperoni and cheese. Starting with long side, roll up jelly-roll style. Cut into 12 rolls. Place in a sprayed 9×13-inch baking pan. Sprinkle rolls with Parmesan cheese.
Cover with sprayed plastic wrap. Let rise until double in size. Remove wrap. Bake at 350 degrees F for 15-20 minutes. Serve warm.
Can you shape in the evening and next morning bake.
Debbie from Rhodes
Thank you for your question! I would probably thaw your rolls in the refrigerator overnight and then the next morning assemble them, let them rise for about 45 minutes to an hour and then bake. Hope this helps and if you need more instructions please call our Customer Satisfaction team at 1-800-876-7333.
Would LOVE to make great cinnamon rolls!! Any recipes? Thanks
Debbie from Rhodes
Yes, we have many great recipes! Look here at our website for “Homemade Cinnamon Rolls”. And there are many different variations that you can make too! Hope you enjoy baking other great recipes from our website also. Thanks for your question!
I absolutEly love your bread. I make rools and bread really often.
Whenever my son comes home fOr a visit; he enjoys that mom makes his favorite ciNnamon rolls. I make the while package into rolls, and the fanily hears about it hurries home to get the treats
Debbie from Rhodes
So happy you enjoy our products! You can find many more recipes to try on our website.