Easter Cinnamon Rolls
Celebrating with brunch? These Cinnamon Rolls are sure to bring smiles to the table.
Bake Rhodes Cinnamon rolls according to directions. Decorate in desired combinations.
Chick Frost cinnamon roll with included frosting. Dye shredded coconut flakes with yellow food coloring and sprinkle on top of frosted cinnamon roll. Place two candy eyes. Cut an orange jelly bean to create a triangle beak.
Nest Frost cinnamon roll with included frosting. Dye shredded coconut with green food coloring and sprinkle on top of frosted cinnamon roll. Place three candy coated chocolate eggs in the center to make a nest.
Bunny Frost cinnamon roll with included frosting. Sprinkle shredded coconut on top of frosted cinnamon roll. Cut a large marshmallow in half diagonally, then immediately dip cut side down into pink sugar crystals. Place a pink jellybean in the center for a nose. Place two candy eyes. Add chocolate sprinkles on both sides of the nose to make whiskers.