Rhodes Doughnuts
Prep Time: 10 min.
Bake Time: 1-2 min.
Servings: 12-31
Difficulty: Beginning
These doughnuts are do-able and delightfully delicious.
1 Rhodes Yeast Texas Roll, or 2 Rhodes Yeast Dinner Rolls, dough thawed but still cold
vegetable oil
glaze and chocolate icing
choice of toppings (nuts, coconut, candy sprinkles etc.)
Poke holes in roll centers and stretch to form large openings. If using dinner rolls, press 2 together well and then stretch with fingers. Place doughnuts on a large sprayed baking sheet. Cover with sprayed plastic wrap. Let double in size.
Pour oil two inches deep into small sauce pan or electric fry pan and heat to medium high. Remove wrap and fry doughnuts on each side (about 15 seconds) until golden. Remove with a fork and place on paper towel.
Drop into glaze and coat both sides. Place on waxed paper. For chocolate doughnuts, dip into icing and coat one side. Quickly sprinkle with toppings.
Glaze: 1/2 cup water and 4 cups powdered sugar, mixed well.
Chocolate icing: Bring to boil 1/2 cup butter, 6 tablespoons milk, 4 tablespoons cocoa. Remove from heat and stir in 1 teaspoon vanilla and 3 cups powdered sugar.
Jenny Sin
How can buy the Rhodes yeast?
Debbie Norris
I’m not sure I understand your question. We purchase yeast in huge quantities but do not sell it. If you were asking about the Yeast Dinner Rolls, I need to know where you live. You can usually purchase them in any Walmart store.
Shelly Ransom
Can you make these in an air fryer?
Debbie from Rhodes
Thank you for your question and I’m sorry I don’t have an answer. We have never tried using an air fryer for this recipe. So……….. if you try it, please let us know. We would like to hear back from you.
Its been a good minute since this question was posted and given the POPULARITY kf air fryers, wondering if its been done yet?
Debbie from Rhodes
I can’t say that we have tried this particular recipe in the air fryer but there are other recipes we have tried and there are recipes for. If you look at the recipe for the Air Fryer Pizza Bubble Up on our website it will show information. I would guess if you put it in the air fryer at 325 for 15-18 minutes, it would be worth a try.
Can you use frozen bread dough to fry u
Filled donuts
Debbie from Rhodes
You can use our Bread dough to make doughnuts. After thawing the dough, divide it into 8 portions and then follow the directions on our recipe for doughnuts. If you are making filled doughnuts you would probably want to fill them after frying them.
Nancy Bachman
Good Morning,
I was wondering how to make Bismark’s using your Sweet dough.
Do i fry it like a doughnut? Or bake it like a roll?
I have a tube of Raspberry filling that I’d like to fill them with.
Debbie from Rhodes
What a fun idea! I love bismarcks but have never made them. I’m sure you would fry them just like this recipe for the doughnuts. I would love to see how they turn out! Enjoy!
I Made these this morning. OVerall easy to follow, But i mAde a few modiFIcations. The glaze was not good: not very much flavor and quite thin. i still used it but had a CinnAmon sugar mixture that was much better. The glaze would be better With: 2 cups confectionErs suGar, 1/3 cup milK and 1/2 tsp vanilla extract. I would also recommend temping the oil to ~250 dEgrees vs stating a generic med-high/electric skillet. I also found that a single dinner roll portion made a nice sized doughnut vs. combinIng tWo.
As a general note-i’d love to see rhodes update their recipes with more specific/updated instructions. I.e. I bought their pizza dough, but there are not any recipes that refer to this product-just the dinner rolls/Bread dough/anytime producTs.
Debbie from Rhodes
Thank you for all your good recommendations! I will pass them along. In reference to your comment about the Pizza Dough, there are many recipes on our website for pizzas. They do not call for our Pizza Dough because the majority of grocers do not order that product(even though we wish they would). But using our Bread Dough would be the same instructions and an almost identical result as using the Pizza Dough. There is just more availability of our Bread Dough.
I think you will enjoy those pizza recipes, we have shared on our website! Enjoy!
Can I make jelly donuts using the texas or dinner rolls? I’m thinking of rolling out the Dough With a 3” cookie cutter to cut 1/2” thick ciRcles and then letting them double in size before frying. Has this been done? If so, can you please give me more info. And tell me how many DONUTS I would get per pacKage? Many thanks!
Debbie from Rhodes
I’m sure you can make a jelly donut with the Rhodes Rolls. Our recipe uses 1 Texas size Roll or 2 Dinner Rolls. So if you are using the Texas Rolls you could get 24 from a package. If you are using our Dinner Rolls, you would be able to get 18 donuts because you would be putting 2 together.
If you have any other questions, you can call our Customer Satisfaction department at 1-800-876-7333 and one of our baking experts would be happy to help you!
Katherine M England
what temperature should the oil be heated to?
ALSO, it would be useful to have some approximate times listed FOR thawing and RISING. I know those will vary with the environment, but some general guidelines would be useful to people who are new to your product.
Debbie from Rhodes
Thank you for your question! I would probably heat your oil to about 350 degrees making sure you don’t overheat to the point of the oil smoking.
And there are general guidelines for thawing and raising our dough on the package. So many factors affect that process; the warmth of your kitchen, the freshness of the product (see the “best by” date on the package-the further out the date, the fresher the product). So, as you see on the package, there is a regular method that is 3-5 hours and a refrigerator method that is between 8- 16 hours. This for the Dinner Rolls and you can check our other products for approximate times.
As I said, these are approximate times because of the factors I mentioned. I hope this helps you!
Mimi’s Doughnut Twists & Cinnamon Twists (with or without cinnamon!)
• Rhodes Frozen dinner rolls (1 per doughnut)
• Spray canola oil
Glaze (for 4-6 doughnuts- double for a dozen)
• 1 C Powdered Sugar
• ¼ C milk (add a little more for thinner glaze)
• ½ tsp Vanilla
Cinnamon & sugar for sprinkling (1 Tbs cinnamon & ¼ C Sugar- plenty for a couple dozen or more depending on how heavy you sprinkle)
Night before: Place a single layer of Rhodes frozen dinner rolls in the fridge to thaw, covered with plastic wrap with a light spray of oil.
In the morning, spray rolls with oil, cover a cutting board with freezer paper (ends tucked under, tape it underneath to keep it in place if doing more than a few) Roll each roll out to a thin string around 3/8 inch thick with your hands. Loop the string in half, twist the strands together mid-way and place on a baking sheet. Cover with sprayed plastic wrap to rise. The warmer the kitchen, the faster the rise. To speed them you can put a small skillet or pan on the warmer element of your stove top if you have one, and set your sheet pan on top of that, or warm the oven, turn it off and set the sheet pan in there.
Putan inch or two of canola oil in a kettle large enough for your doughnuts to float freely. When doubled in size, heat oil over medium or medium high heat, lift doughnuts from the baking sheet and gently float on top of hot oil. Flip when they are golden. (15-20 seconds per side) I sink them a little while on the second side to brown the sides a little. When the second side is done, remove to paper towels to drain.
Dip or drizzle with glaze. Sprinkle with Cinnamon & Sugar while glaze is till wet, if desired.
If any are leftover, this glaze does harden so they store fairly well for a day or so loosely covered.
(I dont know why this website only allows all caps in the comment box-Annoying! I even copy pasted but it changed the correctly formatted to all caps anyway!)
Martha Doerfel
I make pizza often with Rhodes frozen bread dough. One loaf makes an excellent crust for an extra large pizza.
Now, I would like to make jelly doughnuts with a loaf of your frozen bread dough. Please advise me on the basics.
Debbie from Rhodes
Glad you enjoy our products! Just follow the instructions on the recipe. I don’t believe we have a recipe for a jelly doughnut. You might just need to try it and see what works for you. I would probably not make the hole in the middle of the dough and just push down the center before frying the doughnit.
Pam Luiten
Can I bake instead of FRying for donuts
Debbie from Rhodes
We have not tried baking them. You could try baking the donuts but I wouldn’t let them raise too much.
Can you make filled doughnuts from the rolls? That’s my weakness..LOL. Bavarian cream and you can’t find in our area.
Debbie from Rhodes
Yes, you can make doughnuts from our dough. Look on our website for the recipe. https://rhodesbakenserv.com/rhodes-doughnuts/
can you do this RECIPE with rhodes frozen sweet dough ?
Debbie from Rhodes
Certainly! They would be delicious!
Beth Levick
how long will they stay fresh?
Debbie from Rhodes
We have no preservatives in our product so I would use them in a couple of days. You could refrigerate them and extend that time for a day or two. But that may make them dry.