Pumpkin Spice Latte Rolls
Prep Time: 20 min.
Bake Time: 15-20 min.
Servings: 6
Difficulty: Beginning
Your favorite latte made into a sweet roll!
12 Rhodes Yeast Dinner Rolls, or 1 loaf Rhodes Bread, dough thawed to room temperature
3 tablespoons butter, softened
½ cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice
½ teaspoon espresso powder
1 cup powdered sugar
1 ½ tablespoons milk
1 tablespoon softened butter
½ teaspoon espresso powder
Combine rolls together. On a lightly sprayed counter, roll dough into an 11×15 inch rectangle. Combine butter, brown sugar, pumpkin pie spice and espresso powder to make a smear. Smear over dough rectangle, leaving 1 inch along the edge on the short side without smear.
Starting on short side, roll up jelly-roll style. Cut into 6 equal pieces. Place in a sprayed 9 inch round baking pan with one roll in the center. Cover rolls with sprayed plastic wrap and let rise until double in size.
Remove wrap and bake at 350°F 18 minutes. Cover with foil the last 5 minutes. Brush with icing while still warm.
Icing: Combine powdered sugar, milk, butter, and espresso powder and mix well.
Live in Redding California cannot find Rhodes anything in the area obviously cannot order either? So disappointed love your products scared of yeast.
Debbie from Rhodes
You should be able to find a few of our products at Winco and Walmart. If you can see them in their freezers, talk with the frozen food manager and they could order them in for you. But I know that both stores order them at this time. Hope this helps!
Amo sus panes. Especialmente el empaque que tiene 3 rollos y el que trae 24 panecillos para hornear pero Walmart en Northampton, Massachusetts ya los dejó de vender. No se si hay otro lugar donde pueda comprarlos. Son los mejores panes.
Debbie from Rhodes
No puedo ver ninguna tienda en su área que este ordenando los rollos de pan, pero Walmart, Target y Super Stop-n-Shop tienen los rollos para hornear de 36 rollos. Puedes usar 12 de estos rollos para hacer una barra de pan. Simplemente deje que los rollos se descongelen, forme en una barra de pan y luego deje crecer hasta que llegue a la parte superior del molde. Luego hornee igual como las barras de pan, a 350 grados durante 20-25 minutos. ¡Espero que esto funcione para usted!
Ann McCraw
Lake Forest, California: Rhodes are not available at my local market. Can you tell me where you distribute Rhodes in Lake Forest, Mission Viejo, or Laguna Hills, CA?
Debbie from Rhodes
Thanks for your question! My locator shows that there may be a few Walmarts in your area that might stock the Cinnamon Rolls. I would call the store and see if they still have in stock because they go fast at this time of year. There is a Walmart in Santa Ana on Mcfadden st, in Orange on Tustin and Huntington Beach on Beach Blvd. I cannot see what they currently have in stock. You might ask someone in the frozen food department if they can order them in from the warehouse for you, if you do not see them in their freezer section.
Ann McCraw
Thank you! I found some at Walmart in Lake Forest, Foothill Hill Ranch!
Melanie Forsythe
When I lived in Iowa we could get the Rhodes Texas rolls, my family loved them!
Now in Fayetteville, NC area and have to hope that the local Walmart has the regular ones in stock.
Have been a fan for well over 25 Years! The only kind that I will buy.
Debbie from Rhodes
Thanks for your nice comments! It’s been a crazy year so buy your rolls for Thanksgiving and Christmas early this year!!!!
Lin coad
I have the frozen bread dough. Can I use that instead of the yeast rolls?
Debbie from Rhodes
You certainly can use a loaf of the Rhodes Bread Dough. One loaf is equivalent to 12 Dinner size Rolls. Just thaw and divide and follow the recipe!
I live in suburb of Pgh. PA and want to know where to buy the Anytime rolls. I have checked local grocery stores and do not want to try to order from Walmart.
Sandra pendergrass
I love Rhodes breads. I have used the rolls. Cinnamon rolls and the bread loaves. I could not always find them. I talked to a manager and told family and friends to ask for them. Now they are easier to find. My family count on them for thanksgiving and family dinners.
Debbie from Rhodes
That is great to hear! We appreciate you taking your time to let us know! Happy Baking!
Candy Monroe
I plan on trying this but substituTing in peanut BuTter. Yum!
At what point can i freeze these
Debbie from Rhodes
You would have to bake them and freeze the rolls after that. Then rewarm them. You cannot freeze the dough after thawing or the rolls will not rise.
I’m going to try this. Thats my favorite. Thanks
Betty Cole Rader
I live in the greensboro NC area; i have never been able to buy rhodes whole wheat dough or rolls. i have asked each grocery that i shop at about stocking whole wheat items. most say they didn’t even know whole wheat was an option??? i find that really odd? any idea how i might get whole wheat stocked in my area? love Rhodes and have been using for many years!!
Debbie from Rhodes
I’m sorry but we have discontinued all of our Wheat products, so you will not be able to find them in any stores.