Hot Dog Mummies
Prep Time: 20 min.
Bake Time: 1-14 min.
Servings: 6
Difficulty: Intermediate
A fun idea for your Halloween get togethers!
Rhodes Dinner Rolls, dough thawed but still cold
bun length hot dogs
mustard for eyes
Cut arms and legs on hot dog. Be sure to leave about 1 1/2 inches for head.
Cut small piece of dough off of one roll to use as head wrap. Cut the rest of the roll in half. Roll the head wrap into a rope about 6-7 inches in length.
Roll the other two pieces into 2 ropes about 18-20 inches long.
Starting at the foot and using one long rope, wrap the dough around one leg about 4 or 5 times, 2 times around the body and up and over a shoulder and 3 or 4 times down one arm.
Repeat on the other side of the hot dog body.
Use the small dough rope and wrap around the top of the head about 3 times.
Place mummy on a sprayed baking sheet and bake at 375 degrees F 10-15 minutes or until dough is golden brown.
Let cool slightly and use two dots of mustard for eyes.