Prep Time: 20 min.
Bake Time: 20 min.
Servings: 8
Difficulty: Intermediate
The freshest bagels you’ve ever tasted! With Rhodes dough, it couldn’t be easier.
16 Rhodes Dinner Rolls, Dough thawed to room temperature
1/4 cup honey
grated cheese, seeds or spices
In a large saucepan, bring 6 inches of water with honey to a boil. While water comes to a boil, combine 2 rolls together into a nice round ball. Put both pointer fingers through center of the ball and stretch to form a large hole. Repeat with remaining rolls.
Place bagels on a large sprayed baking sheet. Do not let rise.
Slip bagels, one or two at a time into gently boiling water. Boil for 30 seconds on each side. Remove with slotted spoon; drain on cooling rack for a few seconds.
Return to sprayed baking sheet and sprinkle with cheese or seeds if desired. Bake at 375 degrees F 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.
Joyce wRight
The INSTRUCTIONS say do not let rise. The video says to let rise for 30-40 min… please clarify
Debbie from Rhodes
Sorry about that! Thanks for catching that. The video is an older one and we retested our instructions and felt it was better not to let them rise. We are removing that video. Thanks again!
Veronica Doughty
Should I brush the dough with an egg wash before adding toppings and baking them? All other bageL recipes On the internet recoMmend using an egg wash.
Debbie from Rhodes
Yes, that would be a good thing to do, especially when you are using toppings like seeds etc. It also makes them a little crusty on top.
heatheR aRNDT
how long should it take to ‘thaw’ only? I just tried this and it failed miserably. The outside was golden and the inside was dense raw dough.
Debbie from Rhodes
To thaw the dough, you can put it in the refrigerator overnight or leave it covered with sprayed plastic wrap, on your counter, until you can feel it is soft throughout. I can’t tell you a specific time. That depends on the warmth of your kitchen.