Rolls into Bread Loaf

Prep Time: 5 min.
Bake Time: 25 min.
Servings: 8
Difficulty: Beginning

Can’t find Rhodes Bread Dough near you? Try this easy solution to make a loaf of bread using Rhodes Dinner Rolls.

How To Make A
Bubble Top Loaf

Spray a loaf pan with non-stick cooking spray.

Place 12 Dinner Rolls into the loaf pan.

Cover with sprayed plastic wrap.

Allow loaf to rise until it is about 1-inch above the pan.

Carefully remove plastic wrap and bake at 350ºF for 20-25 minutes.

Let cool before slicing. Enjoy!

How To Make A
Smooth Top Loaf

Set out 12 Dinner Rolls or 8 Texas Rolls to thaw.

Once thawed, combine rolls.

Roll out into a large oval.

Fold in the short sides of the oval.

Roll up the dough, pressing after each turn to create seams for better structure in the bread.

Place loaf in a sprayed baking pan.

Cover with sprayed plastic wrap. Let rise.

Once loaf has risen 1-inch above the pan, remove the plastic wrap, and bake at 350ºF for 20-25 minutes.

Let cool before slicing. Enjoy!

  • Virginia
    April 3, 2020

    What a wonderful idea!

    • Debbie from Rhodes
      April 6, 2020

      It is great when you only have rolls on hand. It makes a rustic-looking loaf and so easy to do!

      • Virginia Dryden
        November 9, 2020

        I’m wondering if you could roll the rolls in cinnamon sugar before placing them in the pan and end up with a cinnamon-bubble-loaf? I make a lot of cinnamon bread-type of things in the winter, and this would be a quick and easy way to cheat, so to speak. Or, would you have to roll the rolls in melted butter, first, then cinnamon? Any comments would be great!

        Thank you for your help – I’m scared to death of yeast — it doesn’t like me and my breads don’t usually turn out, so when I can use pre-made dough, I’m in!

        Virginia Dryden

        • Debbie from Rhodes
          November 9, 2020

          Oh, yes! The cinnamon and sugar make a wonderful Bubbleloaf! Yes, it would be a good idea to roll them in butter first, so the cinnamon and sugar stick to the roll better. You can also make a savory Bubbleloaf with garlic and parmesan cheese.
          All our recipes can be found on our website: You will find some wonderful recipes using our “not so scary,” yeast rolls and bread dough.

          • Virginia Dryden
            November 13, 2020

            You are awesome! Thank you, Debbie, for your tips — there is nothing prettier than a homemade loaf of bread, but mine always turn out with holes in them orlopsided, etc. Using the Rhodes dough takes the guesswork out!

            Thank you, and I hope you and your loved ones have a blessed Thanksgiving Holiday. Stay safe, wear a mask, and love from a distance! 🙂

            Virginia Dryden

          • Virginia Dryden
            November 13, 2020

            One last question: Should the dough balls be thawed out before I roll them in butter and cinnamon sugar, or can they be frozen?

            Sorry to be such a pest! 🙂

            Virginia Dryden

          • Betsy ellingsworth
            February 16, 2025

            I cut each roll into 4 pcs
            I used them to make monkey bread! CUt each frozen ball into quarters
            Roll each pc in melted butter then cover each pc with cinnamon SUgar. Spread them evenly in a greased bundt PAn. cover and let rise. THEN pour brown sugar mixed with melted butter over the top and bake. Delicious!

        • Cindy L Clonch
          June 1, 2022

          And top with a confection sugar glaze……….

        • jls
          December 16, 2022

          I do it all the time. a kids favorite. use a bundt pan if you have one. pour your favorite carmel roll sauce over the top and let it raise. always perfect.

        • Mn
          June 24, 2023

          Put the frozen rolls in a ziplock bag. Add meLted butter to coat them Then add cinnAmon Sugar to the zIp lock. Once they are coated dump them in the pan.

        • Nancy Brewer
          February 11, 2024

          Look up Rhodes cinnamon rolls sticky buns. Super easy overnight cinnamon buns—frozen rolls roll in melted butter,then cinnamon sugar. Put in pan that you’ve put melted butter & brown sugar(I also add pecans). Mix together left over butter & cinnamon sugar. Poir over frozen rolls. Cover with Pam sprayed plastic wrap and let sit on counter overnight. In morning take off wrap and bake. Flip over onto platter. So yummy!!

          • Debbie from Rhodes
            February 12, 2024

            Yes, the sticky buns are great. But we never suggest leaving any of our recipes out overnight. If you have really fresh yeast, the rolls or bread can rise and then fall. We do think it is best to put them in the refrigerator overnight and then bring them out to rise before baking. We would hate to ruin that recipe, with all your effort and ingredients in it.

      • Maureen
        January 17, 2024

        How long will it take fot the rolls to thaw and rise at room temperature? I’m so excited to make the bubble Bread loaf.

        • Debbie from Rhodes
          January 18, 2024

          That is a difficult question to answer. The rising depends on the warmth of your kitchen. It could take between 2-4 hours. I like to assemble the loaf and put it in the refrigerator overnight and set it out the next morning to rise.

    • Debbie from Rhodes
      April 6, 2020

      It is great and so easy! Happy Baking!

  • Patt
    April 5, 2020

    Thanks for being there during this difficult time. Its nice to know i can depend on a great product, even if it is some times difficult to find. Thanks agAin

    • Debbie from Rhodes
      April 6, 2020

      I’m so sorry that you are having trouble finding Rhodes! We are working so hard on making it available and in your stores freezers. Our production plant workers are very dedicated and it makes us proud to work here at Rhodes! Thanks for your kind comments!

  • Pateicia richards
    April 30, 2020

    My stores are always out of the bread loaves and the Biscuits. I even asked when their trucks come in, for delivery. Doesnt matter, i guess. So i havent been making bread or biscuits for quite awhile……

    • Debbie from Rhodes
      April 30, 2020

      I”m so sorry you are having trouble finding our product. We are not shorting any product to the stores that are ordering our product now. But with this unusual time, product is flying out of the stores as it is stocked. I do not know where you live but I hope you will talk with your store’s frozen food manager and see if he can order more product when he does the next order.

  • Susie
    May 24, 2020

    I love Rhodes cinnamon rolls and your bread loafs. I GET them at Wal-Mart most times with theses times sometimes they are out so when I see them I buy 2 each. Love them thank you so much

    • Debbie from Rhodes
      May 26, 2020

      Yes, we do know that Rhodes products are flying off the shelves. But we are trying our best to keep the stores supplied with our wonderful bread and rolls!

  • Rose pollot
    September 8, 2021

    Can you use the bread dough to make the rolls if you only have the bread dough?

    • Debbie from Rhodes
      September 8, 2021

      Sure!! It is the same recipe. Just thaw the dough and divide it in to 12 Dinner size Rolls or 8 larger Rolls. Let them double in size and bake them at 350 for 15-20 minutes. Hope this helps you!

  • Kay Copeland
    November 27, 2021

    I tI took out some rolls rolls and toOK them out and they didn’t raise so I put them back in the fridge raider tried the next day they never Rised I try for 2 days I try to defrost And the tops got hard

    • Debbie from Rhodes
      November 29, 2021

      Did you look at the “best by” date on the package? Or another reason they may not rise is that they have been allowed to thaw and then were refrozen. If you had ice crystals in the package or the rolls were stuck together and you had to bread them apart.
      We would be happy to send you a replacement coupon to purchase a new package. Please call our Customer Satisfaction department at 1-800-876-7333 and the will be happy to help you with that.

  • Kathy
    February 1, 2022

    wonder if you could roll in cinnamon and sugar and layer RAISINS in between. It would make a wonderful raisin bread???

    • Debbie from Rhodes
      February 2, 2022

      That sounds delicious! I would probably put the filling on the rolled-out layer before rolling it. It is difficult to incorporate anything into the dough. So sometimes the raisins work but it is a little different than raisins that are added into dough during the mixing process. Let us know how it turns out!

  • kenneth
    December 3, 2023

    how do i get a nice brown crust on rolls and breads? they never brown and they are mushy on the bottom

    • Debbie from Rhodes
      December 4, 2023

      Are you using a glass pan? The rolls do not brown as well in a glass pan but they shouldn’t be mushy. Make sure you are checking the “best by” date and using before that time. Also check that you do not have ice in your package. Brush butter on the tops of the rolls for a browner crust. Call and speak with one of our Customer Satisfaction agents at 1-800-876-7333. They may be better able to help so you can answer their questions and see what might the problem.

      • May 28, 2024

        CouCould be the rolls where starter in a cold oven, not hot en ight that’s why the bottoms are mushy a glass pie pan

        • Debbie from Rhodes
          May 29, 2024

          Sorry I can’t find the question you are referring to. Usually if the rolls are mushy there is too much dough in the pan or they haven’t been baked long enough. How many rolls did you use? I would also preheat your oven and not start them in a cold oven. Generally, glass pans do not brown as well as a metal pan. Hope I am answering the questions you had.

  • Susan Traudt
    April 26, 2024

    Can you have a smal loaf pan and only put 2-3 rolls in? I live by myself and couldn’t eat a whole loaf.

    • Debbie from Rhodes
      May 1, 2024

      You certainly can make a smaller loaf. Just adjust the time.

  • June 9, 2024

    I forgot to knead the rolls to form the bread. Threw them in the pan, let rise and baked. It turned out very pretty I must say!

  • robbie
    June 20, 2024

    Can you thaw the rolls an then chop them and add apple pie filling and fry to make apple fritters?

    • Debbie from Rhodes
      July 18, 2024

      We have not tried that but you can certainly give it a try. Let us know how it turns out.

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