Butterscotch Bubble Loaf
Prep Time: 20 min.
Bake Time: 30-35 min.
Servings: 10-12
Scroll down for recipe for twoDifficulty: Beginning
Rhodes’ famous Butterscotch Bubble Loaf is our most requested recipe every year. Watch how easy it is to make this “sticky buns” classic, and you too will be hooked on baking this bundt!
24 Rhodes Dinner Rolls, dough thawed but still cold
1 (3.5 ounce) box butterscotch or vanilla cook and serve pudding mix (not-instant)
1/2 cup pecans, chopped
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup butter
- Cut dinner rolls in half and dip in dry pudding mix. Sprinkle a handful of pecans in the bottom of a greased 9-10.5 inch bundt pan. Arrange rolls in the pan along with the remaining pecans. Sprinkle any remaining pudding mix over the top.
- Combine brown sugar and butter. Heat together until butter is melted and a syrup is formed (microwave about 1 1/2 minutes). Pour syrup over rolls. Cover with sprayed plastic wrap. Let rise until double in size or even with top of bundt pan.
- Carefully remove wrap. Bake at 350 degrees F for 35-45 minutes with a pan on the rack below to catch any caramel drippings. The caramel sauce should be bubbling when it is finished baking. Cover with foil the last 15 minutes of baking if browning too quickly.
- Immediately after baking, loosen from sides of the pan with a knife and invert onto a serving plate.
Baking Notes
OVERNIGHT METHOD: Complete steps 1 and 2. Place your pan in the refrigerator overnight. Take the pan out of the refrigerator. Make sure dough does not exceed the top of the pan. You may need to let it continue to rise slightly at room temperature. This is a great time to preheat your oven. Follow regular baking instructions on steps 3 and 4.
Mini Butterscotch Bubble Loaf

6 Rhodes Dinner Rolls, dough thawed but still cold
2 Tablespoons butterscotch or vanilla cook and serve pudding mix (not-instant)
2 Tablespoons pecans, chopped
3 Tablespoons brown sugar
2 Tablespoons cup butter
- Cut dinner rolls into fourths and place in a sprayed 6-inch fluted tube pan or any small baking pan. Sprinkle a handful of pecans in the bottom of the greased bunt pan with the rolls. Sprinkle pudding mix over the top.
- Combine brown sugar and butter. Heat together until butter is melted and a syrup is formed (microwave about 30 seconds). Pour syrup over rolls. Cover with sprayed plastic wrap. Let rise until double in size or even with top of bundt pan.
- Carefully remove wrap. Bake at 350 degrees F for 20-25 minutes. Cover with foil if browning too quickly.
- Immediately after baking, loosen from sides of the pan with a knife and invert onto a serving plate.
That is delicious but i would like a recipe for a cinamon bubble loaf that resemble cinamon rolls
Jessi from Rhodes
Hi Janis,
Try out our Monkey Bread recipe it is similar to the butterscotch Bubble Loaf but made with Cinnamon Rolls instead.
Am i able to use jello instant puDding mix?
Debbie from Rhodes
Yes, you can use the instant pudding but it does make it stickier. That’s why we recommend the non-instant pudding. Thanks for your question!
Julie from Rhodes
Hi Janis,
There are lots of different recipes on our website. Please call us at 1-800-876-7333 and we can try and help you.
We add 3/4teaspoon cinna.
Isn’t there a method that lets this be assembled and then placed in the fridge overnight to be baked for breakfast? Please share if so.
I have a recipe with similar ingredients. Spray a 9×12 pan and place 2 cups nuts in bottom.. Place 24 frozen rolls on top and sprinkle with non-instant butterscotch pudding. Set aside. In saucepan cook 1 stick butter, 1 cup brown sugar, 2 Tbsp milk and 2 tsp cinnamon. Spray waxed paper and place on top. Place a larger piece of foil over top and place on counter overnight, about 8 hours (or you can place in the frig overnight and take it out a couple of hours before baking). Bake at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes. Invert immediately onto platter.
In above, bring butter and other ingredients to a boil. No need to cook further.
Debbie Norris
Sounds like a wonderful recipe! The only caution I would make is to be careful leaving it out overnight. We don’t recommend this. If the yeast is really fresh, it could rise and fall which would be sad with all those wonderful ingredients. The refrigerator method would be best! Thanks for sharing!
Michael Ford
I don’t alter the recipe. I put it together in the evening cover with plastic wrap and stick it in the fridge till morning. Take it out an hour before baking.
Judy Schwartze
with your recipe for the Bubble LoaF, APPROX. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE FOR THE DOUGH TO RISE?
Debbie Norris
It is difficult to give you an exact time. The speed of the raising depends on the warmth of your kitchen and the freshness of the yeast. We do not recommend leaving any of our yeast products out overnight. The best method is to assemble the recipe and put it in the refrigerator overnight. Take it out a few hours to finish raising and then bake.
Hope you enjoy the Butterscotch Bubble Loaf! It is our most requested recipe!
Can this recipe be made in a 9×13 pan?
Debbie Norris
Thank you for your question. We are going to test this recipe in a 9X13″ pan today. So I will let you know the recipe either later today or first thing tomorrow.
Debbie Norris
Here is a recipe for our butterscotch Bubble Loaf in a 9X13″ pan:
20 Dinner rolls-cut in 4 pieces, thawed but still cold
1/2 pkg. Butterscotch Cook-N-Serv Pudding
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup pecans, chopped
1/2 cup melted butter
Spray the 9X13″ pan with non-stick cooking spray. Roll cut roll pieces in dry pudding (I used a Ziploc bag for this)
Arrange rolls in pan. Sprinkle brown sugar, nuts and extra dry pudding over the rolls.
Pour melted butter over this. Cover the pan with sprayed plastic wrap and let rise level with the top of the pan.
Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes and then cover with aluminum foil and bake for an additional 15 minutes.
Shelle DeBusk
Do you have any recommendations for orange bubble lOaf or monkey bread? I love the real orange flavor of rhodes thaw/bake/serve orange rolls and would love to capture that yumminess in a bubble loaf.
Perhaps if you substitute orange marmalade for the butterscotch pudding.
Debbie from Rhodes
I really don’t think the orange marmalade will work. You can certainly try it. I would be interested in how it turns out, if you try it. You might also check the Cranberry Orange Pull-Apart in our recipe section.
J Scandrol
I’d sub the non-instant vanilla PUDDING mix instead of butterscotch. Maybe some orange ZeSt and dried cranberry along with some walnuts instead of pecan.
I’ve been making this exact recipe that Debbie Norris posted in March, 2018, for years, except have always USed partially frozen bread cut into slices, lapped over each other in bundt pan. So much easier & faster than messing around with CUTTING up the frozen roll dough. Makes a beautiful presentation every time. Thanks rhodes!!
Debbie from Rhodes
That works too! It is a great recipe and we are so glad that you have enjoyed it for so many years! Thanks for your “sweet” comment!
Rhonda Hawkins
The instructions priNt but not the ingredients list
Debbie from Rhodes
Apparently that is a problem on our website. Thank you for letting us know! It should be fixed later on today. You could always copy and paste to a word document if you need that before then. Thanks!
J Scandrol
I’m looking for a similar recipe that used to be on the back of the rolls package years and years ago. It included all the mentioned INGREDIENTS above but also included karo syrup and sweetened condensed milk.
Debbie from Rhodes
We have looked through all of our old recipes and cannot see a recipe with sweetened condensed milk it in. Sometimes other recipes used Rhodes dough but they are not our recipes. We do have some recipes that use the carmel or are carmel rolls but they are not in a bundt pan. So look on our website and put “carmel” in the search and you will see them. I found an old recipe that had maraschino cherries and coconut put on the bottom of the bundt pan and we also have a recipe for Cranberry Orange Pull-Apart that you might like. Or you can experiment with other ingredients as you mentioned. Happy Baking!
April ellis
i love this recipe but I’ve had problems getting it to cook all the way through in a bundt pan. the tops get a little charred and the middle is still doughy. what am I doing wrong?
Debbie from Rhodes
One thing I have learned that might help you. Invest in a good quality bundt pan. Sometimes there are some pans that are a very thin gauge and bake the outside quickly but do not let the inside bake well. I also bake it at 350 for 17 minutes then cover it with foil and bake for another 17 minutes and check it then. If you need to give it maybe another minute or two. The foil will help the top from getting too done while the bottom is not bake well enough. Hope that helps you! Also you can call and talk with one of our baking experts at 1-800-876-7333.
I always had That problem toO. SwitChed to usinG a lasagna Pan And it makes all the diffErence. Took The recipe up 2 notches.
Debbie from Rhodes
Yes we also have a recipe using a 9X13-inch pan and many variations on our most requested recipe! Just go to our website at rhodesbakenserv.com for all our recipes!
I have used instant pudding every time I have made this. It turns out delicious. Why do you suggest not using instant pudding?
Debbie from Rhodes
The instant pudding doesn’t get as think as the non-instant. But… however you want to make it is just fine. If it works for you and you enjoy it that way, then make it that way! Many of us that work here at Rhodes, tweek the recipes to suit our taste too. We’re just glad you enjoy using Rhodes!
Thank you Debbie!
Lisa Hewitson
I have been making this recipe for many years, and it is a family favorite. Sadly, I haven’t been able to find the non-instant pudding anywhere. (i’ve checked four stores.) I’m not sure if they aren’t making it anymore or what the issue is. I’m trying it this weekend with instant, so we’ll see how it goes.
Debbie from Rhodes
It is difficult to find the non-instant pudding sometimes so we have tried it with the instant pudding. It is stickier than the non- instant variety but it works. We also tried the vanilla non-instant because it was easier to find. It wasn’t as flavorful but it was OK.
i have made this several times but i add a half pint of heavy cream which make them really gooey and DELICIOUS!
Debbie from Rhodes
That sound wonderful! We’ll have to try it that way!
When do You add the heaVy cream?
Debbie from Rhodes
Thanks for your question but we do not use heavy cream in our Butterscotch Bubble Loaf. It may be another recipe you are thinking of.
I found a recipe on borrowedbites.com that uses 1/2 cup of heavy cream instead of butter They claim butter gives the sauce a gritty texture… i’ve tried both butter and heavy cream and both are delicious!
Debbie from Rhodes
Heavy cream is used in the icing for the Monkey Bread. These are two different recipes so if you look at our website you can see the difference. http://www.rhodesbakenserv.com
Hope’s comments refers to using heavy cream but not when or where? Does anyOne know the answer?
Debbie from Rhodes
Unfortunately I have no way of knowing since this isn’t part of our recipe. But we do have many variations of this recipe on our website: http://www.rhodesbakenserv.com. Check there and see if you see something that might be similar. I know there are some using a 9 x 13″ pan. Maybe hope will see your comment and reply.
can i use the 24 count texas dinner rolls in the butterscotch bubble loaf?
Debbie from Rhodes
You can use the Texas rolls but they are larger that the Dinner rolls, so you would not use as many. The Texas rolls are 1 1/2 times the size of the Dinner rolls, so adjust your recipes accordingly.
Debbie from Rhodes
Yes, you can use our Texas rolls in this recipe but they are a different size than the Dinner rolls. The Texas rolls are 1 1/2 times the size of the Dinner rolls. So you will have to adjust the amount accordingly.
Can you use vegan butter substitute for those who can’t eat dairy?
Debbie from Rhodes
I’m sure that would work. Haven’t tried it but if you substitute it in other recipes and it works, I’m sure it would be fine.
Debbie from Rhodes
I would think you could use that. I haven’t tried it but if you’ve used it in other recipes, I don’t see why you couldn’t use it.
I make Mine with vegan or plant based buTter/margarine EVERY TIME works great!
Debbie Gifford
The recipe says to use thawed but still cold rolls. What is the best way to thaw the rolls without them rising and how long does it take? I’ve always just used frozen whole rolls and left out on the counter overnight to rise.
Debbie from Rhodes
We never recommend leaving the rolls out overnight. If the yeast is really fresh the rolls can over rise and fall. We recommend putting the rolls in the refrigerator overnight and they will thaw and still be cold. Hope that helps!
This recipe is my families most requested every year! I am curious though…I do the overnight version and just wonder if there is a maximum number of hours it can be left in refrigerator to rise? Should it not be left more than 8? Always a struggle as to when to put together amid all the Christmas Eve festivities!
Debbie from Rhodes
It can continue to rise a little in the refrigerator so approximately 8-12 hours. Keep your eye on it so it just rises level with the top of the pan.
Kim myers
I just made 1/2 the number of rolls and baked them in a larger loaf pan. I made the regular full recipe of the caramel sauce and i did use vanilla pudding.
Why did THE CARAMEL. Sauce geet so hard?
Debbie from Rhodes
Our recipe calls for the “Cook and Serve” Butterscotch pudding. If you used the non-instant pudding, it does make the sauce stickier and hardens differently.
Do you offer gluten free?
Debbie from Rhodes
I’m sorry we do not produce any gluten-free items.
Can i prep it and put it imm back in freezr for a day and remove to go into frig to rise ?
Debbie from Rhodes
Once the rolls have been thawed you cannot refreeze them. You could assemble it and put it the refrigerator overnight and then bring it out to rise until it is even with the top of the pan.